Special essay: The Divine Light

The Divine Light

The stories that unfold through the life process are allegories. They are bridges
to a comprehension of something greater, something beyond our conventional
experience. Human beings argue endlessly about the facts of these stories, yet
the stories themselves are merely stepping-stones. The meaning is the
destination and the reason there is a story in the first place.

The following essay expresses the essence of Kabbalah and of the Tree of Life. It might surprise some to learn that these great works are astrologically-based. The Jewish mystics who channeled this information saw the divine, not in an anthropomorphic sense, but as the light energy transmitted from the source of all life and alive at the core of every living being.

In the Jewish faith, all human beings are considered to be equal to one another, regardless of their individual accomplishments. No human being, however, could ever be coequal with God.

If Christianity had not made Jesus coequal with God, however, then as it was
originally formulated, it would have merely been Judaism, minus all of its
sacred rituals. What made Christianity distinctive was the ascension into
divinity of Yeshua Ben Yosuf, a practicing Jew, but one who wanted to refine
his religion, raise its vibration to a higher level and communicate the ancient
teachings of his people in a gentler sounding and more loving manner. He was
the first human being who completely surrendered the ego-mind to become a pure channel for the divine light.

The letter J does not exist in the Hebrew or Aramaic Alphabet, so the name Jesus is the theological person, not the historical one.

Yeshua (which means Lamb of God) was the one who took the concept of divine light and made it personal. Ever since then, millions upon millions of grateful followers have made his person divine. It is doubtful that the historical person would have ever wanted that, for the meaning of the second commandment of his religion is that human beings are not to bow down and worship anything that lives on the earth—past, present or future.  Only God is above us and because God is above us, God is unknowable. (I am that I am.)

To place one’s faith in an invisible reality was apparently too much to ask of most human beings, who perceived their brain and what their five senses reported to them as the source of truth. What they failed to realize was that their physical faculties revealed the perception of an illusion. The illusion existed and still exists, so that human beings could learn the lessons they came here to learn in the school of life. In the true reality, there is no way to distinguish one thing from another because everything is unified and therefore nothing (no-thing) exists.

In the process of creation, nothing became something by separating itself from everything.

Yeshua, the historical Jesus, was never a Christian. It was Paul, originally named Saul of Tarsus, who is the true founder of the Christian religion. He was struck by the thunderbolt (a spiritual revelation) while riding on a donkey to Damascus and as he fell to the ground; he awakened to the divine light.

Jesus, a theological creation of the church, was baptized and experienced the heavens opening up, as God acknowledged him as his son. Yeshua, the historical Jesus, said that we are all sons and daughters of God and that every one of us has the potential to awaken the Christ consciousness in our hearts and be anointed as universal servants.

“Everything I can do,” he said, “you can do as well, only greater.”

The Divine Light Almost 1000 years ago, the mystic practitioners of the Kabbalah created The Tree of Life; a universal vision of the subtle energies that they believed directed and regulated our material reality. They illustrated how divine light emanated from Heaven and into the world. A committed examination of Kabbalah provides a map of a higher reality; it opens
up the shell that protects the sacred.

The Tree of Life is the central figure of the Kabbalah and it is astrologically based on the ten planets of our solar system and the twelve signs of the horoscope. Every living being is endowed with the energies that the celestial bodies symbolize. The qualities of these energies are communicated through the astrological language. The ministers of the church, however, purged their teachings of this knowledge and instead made one single being the holder of the light. Thus, instead of placing the responsibility of self-salvation where it belongs, in the hands of each individual, the church sought to gain power over the masses and subordinate their autonomy to the authority of organized religion.

According to the Kabbalah, the divine light that was cast upon our world was so powerful that the Earth had great difficulty containing it and the light dispersed.  The practitioners of Kabbalah sought to learn
how to transmit the light’s invisible flow of energy in a vibrant and
constructive way that would enable everyone on Earth to share in the divine

Increasing numbers of individuals on the earth have descended into a co-dependent relationship with both the church and the state, rather than personally connect with the creative living process in an act of conscious co-creation. What neither the church (nor the state) reveal is that each one of us is that one being that holds the light, which is exactly what Yeshua had realized and wanted the rest of us to realize as well.

Present everywhere is the infinite energy of light. The invisible flow of light energy travels through space on its own power.

The divine light transmits the information that eventually leads humanity to The Promised Land and to a life of purpose and meaning. Concealed beneath waves of energy, which are hidden within particles of matter, great depth of perceptiveness is the tool that can access this information.

Light is a symbol of goodness (to be in the light), wisdom (to shed light), illumination (to be filled with light) and enlightenment (to be informed and healed by light). Light connects the creation with its source and makes life on the Earth a reality. The light nurtures every particle of existence so that all that dwell on Earth can experience the unconditional love inherent in the divine creation.

The light within is the element in a human soul that the world can never take away. When ashes return to ashes and dust once again becomes dust, the inner light of the soul remains to remind us of the transitory nature of the material world and the permanent nature of divine light.

One cannot destroy the divine light by destroying the physical casing designed to contain and to channel its expression. The body can die; the energy and the consciousness are immortal. The consciousness will continue on forever and with each new casing become a purer and more self-aware affirmation of the source that created it.

The divine light is a wellspring of inspiration, supporting any experience that brings us closer to the source of our strength. There is never a need within the framework of living here on Earth to fear the light, for it supports the growth and development of every living soul. A person who stands in the center of divine light can go anywhere in the world and remain unharmed.

Paul Six October, 2011

TAURUS – The Sign of Material Stability

(The sense of ‘My’)

If Taurus could talk, what would it say?

“I walk on a steady path in life. I am solid and productive—the image of fortitude. I continue to build up my worth, while I remain the same down-to-earth person I have always been. I am someone the world can count on. I usually remain peaceful and calm regardless of how dangerous the situation becomes. I’m mastering the art of monotonous perseverance. When I finally blow my top, however, I go ballistic.

“I place value in things that endure. If I am not wealthy now, I am going to be. I know what matters to me and I am holding on to it for dear life. I do not see the sense of turning it over to anyone else.”

Color: Brown
Motto: “Make It Count”
Object: A gyroscope
Activity: Hammering a nail
Style: Stable, patient, and conservative

Ancient symbol: The Bull

Mode/Element: Fixed Earth (Steady practicality)

Anatomical part: The Neck and Throat (Gaining physical substance)

Famous Personalities: Queen Elizabeth II, Harry Truman, Barbra Streisand, Sigmund Freud and William

Places in the World: Israel, Ireland, Cyprus and St. Louis, Missouri

Taurus represents the fulfillment of all the activity set into motion by the previous sign, Aries. Aries is the seed and Taurus is the blooming flower.

In the human experience, Taurus embodies a love of nature and all of its bounty. Taurus individuals have an unequaled appreciation of the material world that makes it easy for them to be comfortable and content. That is in theory; however, in practice souls who are prominently endowed with this energy are here to learn how to experience peace of mind regardless of what is going on around them. They are here to calm down and roll with the punches and many of them find this difficult to do. Eventually though, they get there.

Attaining a state of calmness is much easier to do when one is self- employed and when there is no one in a superior position to answer to because in that case the pressure is primarily internal. When the pressure comes from the outside, and Taurus feels rushed, the normally placid nature of this sign is powerfully aroused. Taurus individuals trust that they can finish what they start and want to do so at their own pace in their own good time. They have incredible stamina and can endure the tedium of repetitive work that goes on indefinitely. They simply do not wish to be disturbed while they are enduring it. Do not provoke the bull and incur its wrath for hell has no fury like a raging bull.

Rage, however, is the last straw for Taurus. Normally, this sign is famous for its good-natured amiability. Taurus’ energy is synonymous with the energy of the planet Venus, the goddess of love. Taurus brings the goddess down to earth, so she can enjoy the fruits of nature.

Taureans can experience great pleasure in life; however, they are choosy about what they bring into their lives. They want quality and they demand the best. They are very definite about what matters to them and if something is not on their list of preferences, it might as well not even exist.

The bull is constant and committed. Taureans will work to the absolute limits of their capacity. When the job is done and some breathing space opens up, however, they can slow down to a point where you could not get them to budge unless you lit a fire under them—and maybe not even then. Sometimes they just do not want to do anything, go anywhere or participate in any activity except for lounging, bathing and dining.

Taurus is associated with the throat and it is hard for them to deny the pleasures in that part of the body. They love to eat good food and imbibe delicious beverages. They enjoy passive indulgences such as hanging out in the spa while dutiful attendants cater to their every whim. Taurus appreciates the finer things in life—beautiful works of music and art, a lovely home, gourmet cuisine and an enthusiastic lover with whom they can engage in amorous adventures. They usually have a mellifluous speaking and singing voice and abundant charm. So it is not too tough being a Taurus if you would not mind being what we would call an ordinary human being. Of course, ordinary, basic, good old reliable people are probably the happiest people in the world once they learn to be free of internal agitation.

ARIES – The Sign of Personal Initiative

(The sense of ‘I’)

If Aries could talk, what would it say?

“I’m the first one here and I’m ready for anything. My battery gets charged in a split second. I live in a perpetual whirlwind. I like starting new projects, sowing the seed while others reap the harvest.”

“I go my own way at my own speed. My swaggering display of boldness is a facade that works in getting me what I want. I insist upon calling the shots. I do not want advice from anyone. I want love from everyone.”

“I am honest to the point of being outspoken and genuine enough to get away with it. No matter what happens, I cannot lose. This is my life.”

Color: Red
Motto: “Make a Move”
Object: A seed
Activity: Lighting a match
Style: Self-sufficient, active, and spontaneous

Ancient symbol:


Anatomical part:

The Ram
Cardinal Fire (Urgent creativity) The Head (Aries is up first)

Famous Personalities: Houdini, Van Gogh, Bette Davis, Charlie

Chaplin, and Marlon Brando

Places in the World: Germany, England, Denmark and Thailand

If you play the board game of Monopoly, you begin at Go. Aries inhabits the space of Go on the game board of life. At its very best, Aries represents the resiliency of an unconquerable spirit, an irresistible force of nature that allows neither interference nor intervention. Aries is gifted with a consciousness that is utterly centered in its own light, so it is less subject to influence than any other sign. When an Aries individual hears something it disagrees with, it asserts its truth forcefully. Aries individuals seldom take anything lying down. They stand up for what they believe in and for their rightful place in the scheme of things.

Sun in Aries people will always be free inside no matter what they undergo on the outside. They know they are among God’s beloved creatures and they insist on being treated accordingly.

In the sequential development of the Zodiac, Aries marks the beginning of a new cycle. Metaphysically, this sign symbolizes the separation from unity and the creation of the human ego. Adam, symbolically the very first human on earth, is an embodiment of Aries energy. Adam and his partner Eve, the embodiment of the next sign Taurus, represent the time of transition from animal consciousness to human consciousness when, for the first time, the Divine entered material form and the essence we call God became our essence.

In a sense, Aries is the ego. Those who have Aries as their star (sun) sign have come here to be an original, one-of-a-kind individual, unlike anyone who has come before and like no other that will ever be again.

In the book, ‚The Great Love, We Came Here as Teachers of Love and Got Enrolled in the School of Fear‛, the Aries character is Bud. Bud learns to transform his energies through his encounter with Master Wiseheart (actually a higher frequency extension of his own consciousness.)

Bud transitions from pure egotism, where everything has to go his way, to authenticity, where everything is already just as it ought to be. He turns his life over to the creative living process and trusts that his co-creative participation in life is telling him what will serve his evolutionary growth at all times. He goes beyond the influence of the earth that is trying to sell him a program other than his own and instead remains true to his experience and to what is in his heart. No other sign is as genuine as Aries—Aries people have great self love and make no apologies about the way they are.

Egotism is very powerful in this sign—it is as if there is only Aries and what Aries thinks and feels and believes and that must be the truth. There are, however, eleven signs that follow, each with lessons that open up the portals of human perception and make them increasingly panoramic. Aries is powerful in its truth; however, it is not an all inclusive truth. Of course in a chart, individuals who have the Sun in Aries may have other components that enable them to continually stretch their parameters. Still, they remain faithful to their own independent vision of the way things are because that is what they are here to experience.

The zodiac is a continuum. After each sign has made its contribution, the wheel of life comes full circle and returns to the part of the sky that represents the energy we identify as Aries. Just as the spring rain brings the promise that something fresh and even more wonderful can materialize in the natural world, life is invigorated when Aries is prevailing once again.